Hi! My name is Melanie Nelson, but I publish my books as M.R. Nelson. This site is about children’s books. If you are looking for information about my short ebooks for grown ups or my other life as a consultant in scientific information management, project management, and the like, head on over to BeyondManaging.com, which is where I talk about that sort of thing. If you want links to all the things I’m working on, you can also check my About.me page.
I created this site to have one place I could send people when they ask about my children’s books. You can find out more about my books in the creatively named “My Books” section.
The header illustration and the illustration leading to the “My Books” section both come from Petunia, the Girl Who Was NOT a Princess. They were created by Holly Liminton and are used with permission. You can see more of her wonderful work here.
I have been bouncing around online for long enough to know that a site without dynamic content isn’t going to do much good to promote my books- and although I have plenty of other interests, I am proud of the books I write and would like to see them do well- so I’ve put off creating this site for quite awhile. I know it needs more than a static page about my books to be worth the effort, but I wasn’t sure what that content should be.
Then I realized: I’ve only written a few children’s books, but I’ve read hundreds, maybe even thousands. I have two daughters, and I’ve read a lot of books with them. I’ve found so many wonderful books, only some of which have anywhere near the prominence they deserve. So, once or twice a month I’ll share a book I’ve read with my kids and loved. These posts will be in the “Book Blog” section, and who knows, maybe I’ll decide to put some other things there, too.
I’ve included links to my Pinterest and Tumblr accounts in the header, but those accounts are primarily about travel/clothes/food and crappy cardboard toys I’ve made my kids, respectively. So I’ll only post about my own books there. If you want a way to follow the book blog posts, you can use this site’s RSS feed or subscribe to my newsletter.
Links in the My Books and Book Blog sections are affiliate links, because why not? I’ll still share a book even if Amazon doesn’t sell it, though.
I’ll consider requests from authors and publicists and the like to share other children’s books, but I won’t share anything I don’t like, and I’ll always make it clear when something came in from anything other than me and my kids reading together.
And, of course, when I have a new book coming out, I’ll post about that, because why wouldn’t I?
If you want to contact me about any of the above (or anything else), you can email me at admin at mrnelsonbooks dot com.